Friday, July 5, 2013

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Due to these ongoing problems, the the woman's mother goes with her to her next appointment. The mother tells her obstetrician that since the previous appointment her child has not been moving as much and that she continues to suffer from headaches and now has sinus drainage in her ears. As her condition is getting worse, her obstetrician tells her that he will schedule an appointment the following week to induce labor. Despite the mother and maternal grandmother's concerns, the physician tells them not to be concerned and that the child is better off where she is now.

Silicosis is a lung disease caused through the inhalation of silica dust. Silica, a crystal found in rock, often becomes ground into tiny particles during processes such as mining, tunneling,mbt shoes, sandblasting and construction. These particles are easily inhaled, and can lead to permanent and potentially deadly damage to the lungs. Silicosis, in fact, is known as one of the world's oldest occupational diseases. So by 1930, when construction began on the Hawks Nest Tunnel in West Virginia,, the dangers of silica dust were known. Additionally, tests of the site had already shown that the rock through which they would be tunneling contained high silica content. Yet, not even the minimum safety standards of the day to protect workers from silicosis were followed during its construction. While upper management and engineers were warned to wear masks when visiting the site, workers were not provided with any sort of protection. Lack of ventilation and dust suppression procedures meant the air was often so thick with silica dust it was difficult for workers to see. As a result,, before construction on the tunnel had even finished, workers began to sicken and die.

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